December 8, 2011

Consider this our Christmas Card

Warning:  In the weeks leading up to my due date, I tend to get a little snarky.  It's a problem, I know.

Yeah, there's no way we're doing Christmas cards this year.  But I have been thinking about what it would say if I sent one out.  Maybe I'd do an abbreviated version of the ever-popular brag letter.
Merry Christmas from the Hardies!
Here's a short update about us:
Ellie - obviously cuter and more advanced than your child
Joe - achieving success in his career that you have only dreamed of
Whitney - effortlessly conquering the roles of wife, mother, and photo-blogging sensation
So Beat That!

OK, that's enough sarcasm for one post.  For some reason holiday letters just really get under my skin.  But if you've already sent one my way, don't worry - I won't judge you too harshly.  If you sent me a Christmas card/form letter, chances are we love each other and I will kindly browse through your family's achievements while reminding myself of how very hard it is not to broadcast the accomplishments of one's kin.  I will still love you.  I just might not respect you as much.

Now on to some real documentation of our family:
Here's me at 36 weeks (I'm currently 38).  Something happens after week 35 - my face starts looking really unsure that it's a good idea to be taking these pictures anymore.  I try to hide it, but I just can't.  Another thing I can't hide?  How much I love my Ellie girl.
Really and truly, friends, I hope all of you are doing well.  The Hardies are happy and healthy and wish the very best for all of you in this Holiday Season.

Photos by Kelli Nicole - edited and cropped by me.


  1. Oh Whitney, for some reason this post brought me right back to those 117 days when some of your snarky comments would catch me off guard and we would laugh. Good times. I love the pictures!!! They are great. We are headed west in a few days and I still don't have Christmas cards put together. I am so dropping the ball on this one. I think your blog card is great!

  2. Haha, I'm pretty sure you guys ARE doing all those things better! Ellie is DEFINITELY better at my kid than everything. I actually don't think I'm sending out a Christmas card this year either. Too much money, too much stress, not enough of a return. I just don't care this year.

  3. My holiday letter would go a little something like... Alex still doesn't talk. He's almost 3. He reminds me more of an 18 month old sometimes. Husband works too much. I've gained 20 pounds this year. But I'm pregnant. Yes, again. Didn't save enough money this year. Oh look. House ends the year as it began - dirty. What's that noise the car is making? Bah hum bug.

  4. Bahaha. I love this post. I love reading up on what you guys are doing and I love all the pictures. So glad to see you guys having so much fun! If you're ever down our way, we'd love to see you!
