September 23, 2011

Fashion Friday: silly styles

Guess who found last year's Halloween costume and insisted on wearing it for most of the day?
And guess who refused to go to church without BOTH teddy bears?
A friend who saw us said, "Sometimes it's just a two bear day."
So true.

I'm so glad to have this little girl in my life.  Seriously, I would be lacking in joy if I didn't have a teddy bear toting, zoned out strawberry baby to hang out with each day.


  1. Today's a two bear kind of day. And by two bears I mean either 2 large diet cokes or two long naps kind of day. She is too adorable in her pigtails.

  2. Sometimes when I eat WAY too many strawberries right off the vine in the summertime I get the same dazed look on my face as she does when she dresses like a strawberry (wow. sorry for the run on sentence).

    I think the "two-bear day" quote needs to be put on a magnet and placed on my fridge. I wish is was okay for me to carry around teddy bears at church. It would make the whole making new friends thing easier.

  3. So true...2 bear days are sometimes necessary! That girl gets cuter everyday. And I'm sorry that man wouldn't help you. And I's hard to love people like that sometimes.
