July 6, 2011

Bye-Bye First Tri

This photo perfectly captures the feelings of the first trimester for me.  No energy to smile, or even open my eyes for that matter.  My body is here with you guys, but who knows where the heck my mind has gone.  What is going on with my hair?  And yes, I'm wearing a zip up hoodie out on the town, so what?  The minute I saw this photo, I just knew...this is visual evidence of what the first 3 months feel like.

no motivation
lazy lazy lazy
nausea (but luckily no vomiting)
feeling so bored with myself
watching waaaay too much TV

But look!  I recovered - those dark days of early pregnancy are behind me now.  I have more energy, I got a haircut, started wearing make up again.  Baby steps.  Slowly, slowly I can feel myself returning.  And before you know it, I'm checking out books from the library and feeling the urge to model in front of my computer.
OK, that's quite enough.  Let it be known, I am 16 weeks along, feeling great and feeling a little tiny person move inside me.  There's nothing quite like it.  Goodbye first trimester, you won't be missed around here.

All you ladies who have been/are pregnant, I'm curious to know.  What's the first tri like for you? Pukey?  Exciting?  Worry fraught? Normal? Tell me, tell me please.


  1. You so look adorable! (Well, in those last photos anyway). I love your blue shirt and your darling baby belly.

  2. I love that first photo and narrative about it. You are so funny. And yes, you are looking quite radiant. During the 1st trimester, I couldn't stand the smells on 168 on the way to the subway, also tired with no appetite (I guess I was always nauseous) I remember I had to always drink milk at night before bed or I would wake up feeling so sick (so hungry I felt sick). Glad you are on to the 2nd. That, I remember is when I felt interestingly great. Ah, pregnancy. Congrats!

  3. Well, with the first trimester I was completely emotional, hungry yet nothing looked good, and extremely tired all the time. You're looking great and I hope the move goes well. Congratulations!

  4. Love the 4th pic of you and Ellie!
    First trimester I feel not quite myself, and really sllllleeeeeepy.

  5. There is a 15 year old boy somewhere surfing the web and blasting dashboard confessional that just saw your first photo and said "Dude, that is the look for me! What is a first trimester and where can I get one?" I love your anti-hipster headphones. I think you just brought them back and made ear buds a thing of the past with this photo. You're so ahead of the trends mommy.

  6. My first trimester lasted nine months. Blehh

  7. We must be twins...our first trimesters are exactly the same to a T. Although I'm still struggling with energy, I'm hoping it bounces back sometime. I'm starting to think it's gone forever. Happy 16 weeks to us.

  8. I feel you've summed up the nastiness of the first trimester quite well. I could smell everything and couldn't stand the smell of anything (from the trash to whatever Nate was cooking for dinner). I subsisted for three months on plain tortilla chips and spent all of my evenings exhausted and sick on the couch wondering why people do this multiple times. thankfully, that's long behind me now!

    You're looking great! Love the haircut!

  9. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you. You made me smile on the first picture. Like "what are you looking at" look. lol Then you turned out to be so beautiful!! Glowing!! in the next pictures. I'm happy for you. Well, I think I'll experience that 1st trimester in the Celestial world. Ask me again when we get there.

  10. My first trimester was a breeze (thankfully) - it was just tiring and emotional, but other then that no nausea or vomiting! I'm so glad you are into the second trimester and feeling better. You look amazing, by the way :) I can't wait to read all the baby updates! Congrats!

  11. so exciting! congrats! you look great too! :)

  12. You described it pretty well for me. Except that there was lots of puking and every time it happened (multiple times a day) whatever I just ate became really unappetizing for about a week. This meant that my limited food options became even more limited. I loved mozzarella sticks and mashed potatoes.
    I am SO happy that you are over it and are feeling better. You are one seriously cute pregnant lady.

  13. HA! Whitney, I don't know if you know that I secretly read your blog, but surprise! I do.

    Your first tri sounds pretty rough- I"m glad you're feeling better. I just remember the nausea... oh the nausea...kicking in at 6pm sharp. And being tired. And having super power smell.

    You look so cute, though, as does your whole family! I'm glad you get to live in a building with an elevator! Ahhh the luxury : )

  14. Love the haircut!! 1st trimester, see you later!! Mine...a bit of nausea, no puking, super tired, but I figured it wasn't bad compared to my friend who had to take medicine to stop puking.

  15. I'm glad you're feeling better! I think I felt a lot like what you described. I spent days and days on the couch trying not to vomit!

  16. The first trimester for me has been horrible both times. Puking on a good day about 5 times, bad days more like 10. No energy, tired, and nauseous whenever I wasn't throwing up. I can totally understand the love of the 2nd trimester- you feel better, finally begin to look pregnant and you don't begin to resemble a beached whale for a few more months. Good luck- you look amazing!

  17. Congratulations! I am about 17 weeks along myself. I am lucky and don't get sick at all during my first trimester, but I was so tired this time around. It is nice to get some of my energy back. Also...I love your shirt. They don't ever have those shirts in a small around here. Sigh...

  18. Let's just say that I don't want to be pregnant till another two to three years!! My whole pregnancy was exhausting (physically and emotionally--I am a MAJOR worry wart)...thankfully I had moments where I really did enjoy it though.

    You look awesome Whitney! I hope baby Hardie continues to grow healthy and strong!

  19. It's been different with every child. With my first I was sick and couldn't eat anything but saltines, bagels and cream cheese. With my second I was exhausted and cranky. With my third I was exhausted and didn't want dairy. I think the exhaustion was actually from having other children though. You look GREAT! You definitely have the pregnancy glow going on!

  20. can I just say I LOVE this post... from the drugged out first pic all the way to your cute preggo pic with your stylish NYC living room in the back! Congrats on goodbyes... both first tri and your first NYC apartment. can't wait to see your new one! Yay! Miss ya
