June 21, 2012

Cannibalism in NYC

There have been recent reports of cannibals in various places across the country.  And while the idea is disturbing and grotesque, frankly, I've always considered it someone else's problem.

Not in my backyard.

That all changed for me today - upon witnessing acts of cannibalism right here in New York City.

Seriously people, stop eating each other!


  1. I know it's one of those blinking dolls, but it looks kinda creepy. I probably wouldn't have even noticed though if you post wasn't about cannibalism.

    Wren is looking super cute!

  2. Ha-ha-ha. Cute. PS: I love the little outfit on Wren, too cute!

  3. I love this post! Hilarious. And I also wanted to say that you are brave. You've had a lot of hard things in the last 6/7 months. But you are brave. I've been through depression too. Keep moving. Some days are a blur. Sometimes all you get are little moments. But beauty will come back.

  4. I bet that baby doll had something tasty on it....like left over jam from a sandwich or something :) Wren seriously reminds me of Ellie with how much they look alike. You have such cutie kids.

  5. Oh, Friend. It is always humbling for me to hop over here and catch up on your recent writing. Reading about your Mother's Day melted my heart, and hearing about your struggles with the emptiness and apathy of grief made me both hurt for and relate perfectly to you. Then there are the little glimples of your girls - those all make me smile! Thank you (truly) for sharing a bit of your soul here. You have such a beautiful one!! Good luck to us both as we navigate this difficult journey =) Your perfect words truly help me on my own way!

  6. Little Wren is getting cuter and cuter. She does remind me of Ellie. Praying for you everyday that the depression cloud will lift and let life return to normal for you. Love all of you so much.

  7. My favorite thing about you is that you never shy away from the difficult subjects. "Babies: the Original Cannibals." I'd read that JAMA article.
